
>  1.  Change all MXNet to Apache MXNet (incubating) from documentation where 
> it necessary
>  2.  Change maven package description ” MXNet Engine Adapter for DJL” to  
> "Deep Java Library (DJL) Engine Adapter for Apache MXNet" for clarification

Thanks for doing that. ASF generally prefers “powdered by” so I would double 
check with trademarks (trademarks@a.o) if this is acceptable use. [1]

> For [3], this package contains no source code from Apache MXNet and only 
> contains the binary that built from source through the Apache MXNet source 
> code without modification. It also brought necessary License and binary 
> attribution from Apache MXNet.

I still have some concerns here’s for instance is a page [2] that says:
        • The binaries are built from source from Apache MXNet without 
        • The binaries are obtained from the Apache MXNet python pip wheel.

The issue here is those pip “releases" contain unreleased versions of Apache 
MxNet [2] and probably should not have been released by the MXNet project and 
shouldn’t be used by the general public. [4] ("must not be distributed through 
channels which encourage use by anyone outside the project development 

There is currently a draft policy on downstream distribution [5] but I don’t 
think it covers this situation. Now I would agree that the ALv2 allow you to 
use Apache MXNet code, even if it is unreleased, but I’m not sure if you can 
say the the resulting product is “for MXNet". That may be need a discussion on 
the legal@a.o or trademarks@a.o lists.

And to be clear this is not really a DJL issue at this point, it's more an 
issue for the PPMC of MXNet to sort out.


1. https://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/faq/#products
2. https://djl.ai/mxnet/native/
3. https://pypi.org/project/mxnet/#history
4. https://infra.apache.org/release-distribution#unreleased
5. http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/downstream.html

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