
> Again, we are NOT releasing release candidates. 

No but companies that your PPMC members are employed by are. 

Those PPMC members are in a good position to make sure their employers are 
aware of and follow ASF policies where needed. It's part of a (P)PMC duties to 
make sure branding, releases and trademarks are correctly followed. [1] At the 
very least these PPMC members should be bringing it to the attention of the 
PPMC for discussion on what to do. Ideally the companies involved should be 
going to the PPMC to ask for feedback or review on this sort of content and 

Having un-voted on release candidates been made available to the general public 
with the projects name on it is problematic in a number of ways.

> - We will include a branding and trademark usage guideline page on mxnet
> website.

That would be help. You can also just refer people to existing ASF policies.

> - We will conduct a review of trademark usage as part of our board
> reporting process.

As there are now several outstanding trademarks issue that would be 
appreciated. The original issue the board brought to the incubator attention 
still has not been fully addressed. You next report is not due for a few 
months, however you are welcome to make an out of band report. Either way I'll 
need some information to include in the next incubator report due in a week or 


1. https://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/responsibility.html

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