Hi, Wu Sheng,

Thank you for your quick reply and kind help.
The source code of the HBlock project all comes from the contributions of 
regular employees of our company. 
There has been no open source project and no community of us before.

In addition, at what point do we have to open all the source code? When do we 
need to sign any agreement with Apache / IPMC?


发件人: Sheng Wu <wu.sheng.841...@gmail.com> 
发送时间: 2020年3月4日 17:29
收件人: general@incubator.apache.org
主题: Re: [Consultation]Some questions about incubation steps

Hi Guochen
Answer inline.

<zhangguoc...@chinatelecom.cn> 于2020年3月4日周三 下午5:16写道:

> Hi, all,
> I am a new man here. Nice to see you.
> We are China Telecom Corporation Limited Cloud Computing Branch 
> Corporation. We hope to contribute one of our projects name 'HBlock' 
> to Apache.
> Now we hope to get into the incubation steps.
> We have prepare a proposal for this project, and before we propose it 
> to the this mailing list, would you please let me know:
> 1. How long usually it takes from we propose it to the vote step?

Vote process usually started by your mentor or champion, which should be an 
incubator PMC member.

> 2. During this process, do we need to provide any source code relate 
> to the project?

Usually yes, could you explain a little about the context of this question?
In the incubator, we usually expect at least a small community established 
already. So if there is not open source yet, then all members should only come 
from your company internal. The IPMC and potential mentors only could read your 

> 3. During this process, do we need to add more members of this project 
> to this mail list to answer questions from the incubator professors or 
> only an interface person is enough?

Before the vote, that is up to you. But during the incubating(if vote pass), 
discussion and decision should be made in the mail list, your project ml mostly.

Sheng Wu 吴晟
Twitter, wusheng1108

> Best wishes.
> Guochen.
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