To make Dave's answer specific to your question: Yes, as chair of Apache
Drat (a TLP) you are expected to follow board@ "to ensure that [you] are
aware of Foundation level issues that may affect their project":

Podling or IPMC folk do *not* need to subscribe (and unless they're
Members, they can't subscribe to board@).

Personally, I expect TLP Chairs to ensure quarterly reports are
submitted and that their project replies to all direct board questions
(typically the "Board feedback on..." emails) in a timely manner.
Reading *all* of the rest board@ is not something I personally think
plenty of chairs do, which I certainly understand the past month or so.

Ted Dunning wrote on 2019-7-21 1:44PM EDT:
> Tom,
> We need to fix board@. You are correct that it isn't usable currently. Not
> for you. Not for the board.

+1, Ted is spot on.  The directors are working on improvements, but need
thoughtful ideas and feedback.

> Can you make suggestions about what levels of moderation / social
> enforcement would make the mailing list tolerable for you but (from your
> understanding) would be acceptable?
> On Sun, Jul 21, 2019 at 9:37 AM Tom Barber <> wrote:
>> Hello
>> Quick protocol question as the board isn’t fit for purpose and I’m fed up
>> of it clogging up my inbox. Do incubating project chairs for incubating
>> projects have to be subscribed to board@?
>> If so I’ll start the process of replacing myself as DRAT chair. If not I’ll
>> just unsubscribe.
>> Thanks
>> Tom


- Shane
  Director & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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