+1 option #4.

Based on Justin's fact-finding, these "extra" IPMC members are not the
source of the IPMC's problem.  Let's put the conversation about removing
IPMC members to bed so that we can focus on more promising causes and cures.


On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 12:33 AM Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>

> Hi,
> It’s been suggested that the IPMC is too large, what do other IPMC members
> think might be a way to address this?
> Please discuss and indicate +1 what you would think would help, you can
> vote for more than one.
> Some suggestions:
> 1. Ask all inactive IPMC if they want to continue being on the IPMC and
> see who steps down. Being inactive they are probably not following this
> list so we need to identify and send each one email them personally.
> 2. There were some questions around merit raised, remove all IPMC members
> who were not on the initial proposal and who were voted in. Those left on
> the IPMC vote back in those who are currently active.
> 3. Get rid of all IPMC members, and vote (with ASF members vote being
> binding - not sure how else it could be done?) currently active ones back
> in.
> 4. Do nothing as this is not actually a problem but instead address other
> underlying issues. e.g. lack of mentor engagement.
> Also re point 2 do you think we should drop that ASF members can
> automatically get IPMC membership and change it to requiring a vote by the
> IPMC? It’s has always seem odd to me that this is the case. We’ve recently
> voted more people in that we’ve had requests from ASF members.
> Any other sugestions?
> Options 2 and 3 may cause some issues around mentors, but if they were not
> active then I guess it’s no big loss.
> And any suggestions on level of activity? Such as:
> - Emailed the list in the last year.
> - Reviewed at least one release in that time.
> It’s already been determined that some (about 15%) of the less than active
> PMC members (out of the 100 odd that are not signed up to the IPMC private
> list) do help out infrequently but that help is very useful. That may also
> apply to other inactive IPMC members, so I would suggest the bar for what
> consider active be kept low.
> Thanks,
> Justin
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