> I’m still not 100% sure that this project its ready to graduate. 
> Looking at the roster [1] only 1/2 the the proposed PMC members are 
> signed up to the projects private list. Some of the people suggested 
> have limited interaction on the mailing list(s)  and in a couple of 
> cases have never sent an email to them that I can find. How was this 
> PMC list determined and where was this discussed? Perhaps the roster 
> needs to be adjusted in the proposal for it to be accepted by the IPMC? 
> What do others think?

Yeeaah, something that's not catching me off-guard  :-)

I noticed this before we started this thread. We went through the roster and 
most of those "missing" are subscribed with other (non-apache) addresses. Most 
of them are there and have been involved, also discussion on the private ML is 
frowned upon except for votes on new committers/ppmc or security issues, so 
more activity is present on dev and notifications. There are two that have been 
quiet/inactive, but they remain trusted, so I would hesitate to remove them (as 
per norm for ASF projects).


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