Hi Justin

> I assume the maturity documentation linked to in the discussion is slightly 
> out of date? [1] as it states "The community has elected 1 new committer and 
> 1 PPMC member during incubation, based on meritocracy.??.

Yes and thanks for pointing this out. 
I have updated the document[1]. Now it states "YES. The community has elected 9 
new committers, 3 of them also as PPMC members, during incubation, based on 


Sheng Wu
Apache SkyWalking, ShardingSphere, Zipkin
Twitter, wusheng1108


------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "justin"<jus...@classsoftware.com>;
Date:  Mon, Mar 4, 2019 04:56 AM
To:  "general"<general@incubator.apache.org>;
Cc:  "dev"<d...@skywalking.apache.org>; 
Subject:  Re: [DISCUSS] Graduate Apache SkyWalking (incubating) as a TLP(take2)


>> SkyWalking is making more consensus decisions via the ML, including 
>> discussions and decisions on issue, test, release, new committer and 
>> branding issues. Since the last graduation discussion, the community has 
>> voted in 9 new committers, 3 of them also as PPMC members.

I assume the maturity documentation linked to in the discussion is slightly out 
of date? [1] as it states "The community has elected 1 new committer and 1 PPMC 
member during incubation, based on meritocracy.??.

>> RESOLVED, that the initial Apache SkyWalking PMC be and hereby is tasked
>> with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
>> development and increased participation in the Apache SkyWalking
>> Project; and be it further

I suggest you remove this section, bylaws are not required.



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