Hi, Thanks for putting this together. I took a quick look and have some > suggestions (so perhaps getting the edit access would be good, if you are > happy for me to change things). >
I'm happy for you to change things I'll give you access once in the front of a real computer. The question about the Apache Way is a simple yes / no. I suppose no one is > going to respond no when they have graduated or just about to graduate. I'm willing to be surprised and I think we will get some nos If people answer honestly. What does the Apache way mean to you? > What do you think are the most important aspects of Apache culture? > How would you describe the Apache Way? > What you you understand about the Apache Way? > All good questions, feel free to add them. The responses will be more text based and I hope will capture a bit more > than a yes/no type question would. I was trying to keep it short, the longer it is the less likely people will fill it in. Thanks, Justin