+1 (binding)

Checked build, signatures & headers, DISCLAIMER, NOTICE and LICENSE.


Le 27 mars 2018 à 02:01, à 02:01, Abhishek Tiwari <a...@apache.org> a écrit:
>The Apache Gobblin community has voted on and approved the release of
>Apache Gobblin 0.12.0 (incubating):
>5 binding +1 votes
>No 0 votes
>No -1 votes
>The feedback from previous release candidates has been addressed:
>RC0 thread: https://www.mail-archive.com/general@incubator.
>RC0 resolution: LICENSE and NOTICE files have been updated (tracked by
>GOBBLIN-431 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GOBBLIN-431>)
>RC1 thread: https://www.mail-archive.com/dev@gobblin.
>RC1 resolution: gradlew scripts have been included in the source
>distribution, and the steps for building the distribution has been
>added to
>README (including the way to obtain gradlew jar)
>I'd like to call a vote in general to approve the release.
>The source release candidate RC2 can be downloaded here:
>The artifacts (i.e. JARs) corresponding to this release candidate can
>found here:
>This has been signed with PGP key 234E3FE3, corresponding to
>a...@apache.org, which is included in the repository's KEYS file (
>key can be found on keyservers, such as:
>It is also listed here:
>The release candidate has been tagged with release-0.12.0-rc2.
>I've also created a branch 0.12.0.
>For reference, here is a list of all closed JIRAs tagged with 0.12.0:
>For a summary of the changes in this release, see:
>Please review and vote. The vote will be open for 72 hours.
>[ ] +1 approve
>[ ] +0 no opinion
>[ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)
>Abhishek, on behalf of the Apache Gobblin PPMC

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