Hi all,
Am .06.2017, 02:59 Uhr, schrieb Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>:
Thanks for the feedback. I hope sospartan or someone else will soon
show up. I think we should go for an RC5. There are simply too many
All issues I mentioned are minor and can be fixed in a next release, but
the binary in source code is IMO a blocker.
Other people may have differing options and I think you may actually
have enough votes to make a release if you wanted to. You only need 3 +1
votes and more +1 than -1 ones. That being said the RM may decide that
the issue is serious enough to make another release candidate.
Just talked about it on the Mailing List. Weex will go for a RC5.
Regards, Raphael
My introduction https://youtu.be/Ln4vly5sxYU
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