On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 9:46 PM, Roman Shaposhnik <ro...@shaposhnik.org>

> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I know IOT is a super hot buzz word but here me out. This is not one of
> > those attempts to brand a some random piece of software as IOT :)
> Yeah, right ;-)
> > When working with hardware there are a few common protocols. SPI, I2C,
> and
> > GPIO. That are supported by a majority of the electronics
> > http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Maxim-Integrated/MAX31725MTA+/?qs=
> g0UVtq9Ld0OAg4p2QdgbSw%3D%3D&gclid=CPz0uPCr69ECFdaFswodwrEDtQ
> >
> > It is very difficult, if not impossible, to find quality implementations
> of
> > the software side of these protocols that have Apache licences.
> Funny you should mention this: Apache Mynewt (incubating) is basically
> rolling with exact same thesis but around BLE. My last conversation with
> Sterling (CCed) also pointed at the fact that they were thinking of doing
> the same with USB implementation.
> What I love about Mynewt is that they are very heavily invested in small,
> reusable and robust implementations (think libraries) of these protocols.
> It seems that it is pretty close to what you have in mind.
> > If you are working with a something like the Rasp PI your go-to library
> is
> > GPL
> > http://pi4j.com/license.html.
> >
> > My proposal would be the Apache IOT project (could get a better name like
> > IOT WIRE). We would provide the software to speak I2C, GPIO, Modbus.
> > Support could be either c, java, or both.
> It actually makes tons of sense to me, but let me ask you this: what
> footprint
> are you trying to target and what implementation? Are you thinking embedded
> (which I guess will mean C) or something else (which could be anything
> including
> Python, etc.)?
> Are you thinking devices or clients?
> Thanks,
> Roman.
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It actually makes tons of sense to me, but let me ask you this: what
are you trying to target and what implementation? Are you thinking embedded
(which I guess will mean C) or something else (which could be anything
Python, etc.)?

My initial target would be to provide RaspPi users with alternative to
PI4j. If I want to write an application that reads data from an I2c sensor
and control and SPI based LED I want to be able to do that with Apache
licensed libraries.  The overall footprint would be a client that works
with any board that has an I2C bus on it for example. IOT Wire would only
cover the user space library for communicating with these devices.

If the library is built in C a python based client could use it. At that
point JNI or another pure java client could be written.

Are you thinking devices or clients?

I am not sure I understand this question.

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