I know IOT is a super hot buzz word but here me out. This is not one of those attempts to brand a some random piece of software as IOT :)
When working with hardware there are a few common protocols. SPI, I2C, and GPIO. That are supported by a majority of the electronics http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Maxim-Integrated/MAX31725MTA+/?qs=g0UVtq9Ld0OAg4p2QdgbSw%3D%3D&gclid=CPz0uPCr69ECFdaFswodwrEDtQ It is very difficult, if not impossible, to find quality implementations of the software side of these protocols that have Apache licences. If you are working with a something like the Rasp PI your go-to library is GPL http://pi4j.com/license.html. My proposal would be the Apache IOT project (could get a better name like IOT WIRE). We would provide the software to speak I2C, GPIO, Modbus. Support could be either c, java, or both. Let me know if you think this is a good idea. I think its really important, as you really cant do the IOT without being able to talk to the things. If anyone is interested I would love to discuss it further. Thanks, Edward