Thankl of the below has been done.

Some more are being added. However at this point the more we add the more
insulting to those we omit. We've done our best. The list is strong. None
will commit nothing, all have a history of years being active in one way or
another in the NetBeans community.


On Monday, September 26, 2016, Emmanuel Lécharny <>

> Le 26/09/16 à 07:32, Geertjan Wielenga a écrit :
> > On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 6:52 AM, Alex Harui wrote:
> >
> >
> >> But if you are thinking 100 people, I'd try to get it down to 40-ish.
> >
> > Seems like a very random number. In the case of NetBeans, that would mean
> > we'd have few others on the list than those from Oracle, which is not
> what
> > we want -- instead, we want to reflect the various communities (Oracle,
> > NetBeans Platform companies, NetBeans plugin developers, NetBeans Dream
> > Team members, etc) in our list and yes that's going to result in a number
> > larger than 40.
> The number doesn't matter.
> Just ask the existing committers if they want to keep going under an
> Apache flag. Some will say yes, add them to the list. Some will say no,
> don't put them on the list. Some will simply not reply, ask tehm once
> more just in case they forgot to answer (vacations, etc), and act
> accordingly to their answer - or non answer . At the end of the day, you
> have your list.
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