One more thought on this:  Right now the 'requirement' is for PMC members
to be able to take the source package and build the binary before voting
+1.  What if the 'requirement' became that the PMC members must be able to
take the source package and build both the binary and the source package?
IOW, a source package must be able to build itself.


On 8/20/16, 12:59 PM, "Mark Thomas" <> wrote:

>It seems there is general consensus that this is a good idea. I'm
>therefore going to do the following.
>1. Draft some text to add to
>   and bring that back to this list for discussion
>2. Start a thread on dev@community about adding an item to the project
>   maturity model.
>3. Identify somewhere to put all the good suggestions for, and links to
>   examples of, smooth release processes and then pull all the links
>   and suggestions from this thread to that place. I have a vague
>   recollection of seeing such a thing previously. I'll need to do some
>   digging to see it I can find it. Any hints?
>On 19/08/2016 21:41, Dave Fisher wrote:
>> I know of a podling like that where the release manager gave me push
>>back until I told him I could not vote +1 without build instructions I
>>could at least follow on my own local.
>> That was some years ago. The podling graduated. The instructions were
>>not updated. The RM left. Now there is a bind.
>> A requirement is a good idea, but it is no guarantee that the
>>instructions remain up to date.
>> Suggestions:
>> Is this info for the maturity model?
>> Should there be special and higher standards to make binary releases
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 19, 2016, at 8:41 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton
>>><> wrote:
>>> +1 to this, including the posts from Mark and Bertrand.
>>> I know of a project where this would have made a serious difference
>>>for graduation and subsequent sustainability.
>>> - Dennis
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Shane Curcuru []
>>>> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 07:08
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: Ease of release process and exit criteria
>>>> Bertrand Delacretaz wrote on 8/19/16 5:57 AM:
>>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Mark Thomas <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> ...I'm thinking of a graduation criteria long the lines of:
>>>>>> "Is the release process clearly documented to the point that someone
>>>> new
>>>>>> to the project could produce a release build?"...
>>>> +1, this is a critical point to include.  We continue to see projects
>>>> struggling with releases when early volunteers leave and no-one else
>>>> really understands releases.
>>>> ...snip...
>>>>> How about also adding an RE50 item to
>>>> model.html
>>>>> about a repeatable release process? That's a discussion for
>>>>> community.a.o but what's your opinion?
>>>> +1, this is both important to include philosophically as well as
>>>> practically.  I.e. it's an important reminder that project technical
>>>> procedures need to be understandable by the *whole* community, not
>>>> the first few developers who created the project.
>>>> - Shane
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