As a data point, for Apache Geode we have a detailed release page:

We’ve been rotating RM’s for each release and the notes get enhanced each time 
through the process.

Feedback welcome!


> On Aug 19, 2016, at 7:33 AM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
> On 8/19/16, 7:08 AM, "Shane Curcuru" <> wrote:
>> Bertrand Delacretaz wrote on 8/19/16 5:57 AM:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Mark Thomas <> wrote:
>>>> ...I'm thinking of a graduation criteria long the lines of:
>>>> "Is the release process clearly documented to the point that someone
>>>> new
>>>> to the project could produce a release build?"...
>> +1, this is a critical point to include.  We continue to see projects
>> struggling with releases when early volunteers leave and no-one else
>> really understands releases.
> So would graduation require that at least one IPMC member (not already in
> the podling) can complete the release steps without getting an error?
> Otherwise, there is a risk that folks point to a web page full of
> instructions but nobody can actually get them to work.
> -Alex
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