
> If you're asking why adding ALv2 header is against the letter of the
> policy, the answer is simple.
> Quote:
>    "3.  Do not add the standard Apache License header to the top of
> third-party source files.”

In the case when they are not actually ALv2 licensed. It assumed that any files 
that is APLv2 license would already have a APLv2 header.

> Because I actually don't know what the original license on the file is.

That should ring alarm bells.

> IOW, I can't add ALv2 header because of #3 on the policy

No you can’t add ALv2 because you don’t know that the file is licensed under 
ALv2. Given the age of some of the files (predating when ALv2 was created) it’s 
very likely that they are not.

> I think documenting it in LICENSE should be enough, no?

Yep that’s one one of doing it. Again I don’t thing everything has to be solved 
for the next release, but documenting the issues/what may be missing is 
probably the best way to go.

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