On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 3:19 PM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Sure, but mu point is: since I'm not comfortable going against the
>> current stated policy
>> on unmodified 3d party:
>>    http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html#3party
> Why exactly is that against policy?

If you're asking why adding ALv2 header is against the letter of the
policy, the answer is simple.
    "3.  Do not add the standard Apache License header to the top of
third-party source files."

If you're asking why it is against the spirit of the policy -- I've
just forked off a tread
to discuss that.

However, as it stands, I suggest that for the upcoming HAWQ RC we just
to the letter of the policy. We can always, later, slap a whole bunch
of AL headers on
files that we're going to innumerate anyway.

Now, if you're asking why can't we add a non-ALv2 header to the file,
see bellow:

> You are adding a header to make clear what the license of that file is.

Because I actually don't know what the original license on the file
is. All I know
is that it is compatible with PostgreSQL license. IOW, I can't add ALv2 header
because of #3 on the policy and I can't really add any kind of a
different header
since that may not necessarily be correct *at the individual file level*.

> That not a modification or removal of the license (point 1) it’s just 
> documentation.

I think documenting it in LICENSE should be enough, no?

> I would note that point 2 states "Do ensure that every third-party work 
> includes its associated license,
> even if that requires adding a copy of the license from the third-party 
> download site into the distribution”,
> so in that case if you don’t add the header you would not be complying with 
> that policy, unless the full
> license text is placed somewhere else in the release.

Which it will be (of course, unfortunately, it won't really help you
with RAT scans unless you're willing
to trust our exclusion list).

All I'm saying is that I'm uncomfortable adding headers to an
unmodified 3d party work.


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