John D. Ament wrote:
On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 3:57 PM Josh Elser<>  wrote:

- I think there is a very fair point brought up by Craig/Justin/John at
the gray line between "Apache Fluo" and "". However, I will say
that I do *not* think this is remotely close to the level that we've
seen in other TLPs as of late (will avoid explicit finger-pointing).
That said, I think the outcome that the PPMC has came to on their own as
next steps is healthy (see dev@fluo list). I also plan to address why
some of these software tools which were developed in tandem with Fluo
(pre-Apache) were not included with the original incubation proposal (I
hadn't realized they were listed on the website as they were). I would
venture most are unintentional omissions as the website came verbatim
from pre-Apache fluo. The podling has already been responsive to my
nit-picks on ASF and Incubator branding requests that I put forth to them.

You have to remember, the incubator is focused on getting projects ready
for TLP.  These issues tend to become more noticeable.

Yes, completely understood.

- One thing that initially worried me is that a software release was
being -1'd over podling branding (the later concession to separate the
topics did make me happy). Proper branding for podlings, especially ones
that have a pre-Apache life, is obviously tricky to do well and cycles
of the review are inevitable. However, given how difficult creating
properly-licensed ASF releases is, should branding concerns be lumped
into release votes? Is there another mechanism by which we as IPMC can
give feedback to podlings at a time which they are not already stressed
trying to make a software release?

There's certain things that block graduation, and things that block
releases.  As far as I'm concerned, branding issues did not block this
release.  Also please note that -1's on releases aren't vetoes.  If you get
enough +1's it'll pass.

Yes, I do remember that they are majority votes. Because I've worked with most of the PPMC members before, I'm well aware that they take to heart the severity of getting a -1 from anyone.

An issue where pre-apache releases were not properly labeled on the
podlings the website caused me to vote a -1.  Granted, the issue turned
into a branding problem.  Upon closer inspection, looking at fluo, their
readme raised a few red flags from my point of view.  I was trying to
figure out when they went for a full release (not just a pom file) what was
going to be involved.  Upon looking at I
incorrectly got the impression that the only way to use fluo was to use
tools not developed at the ASF.  This is a big red flag.  This turned into
a really bad discussion over the use of

Thanks for the great synopsis. Your attention to detail is obviously appreciated and I wholly understand where your concern came from. I know the PPMC is already making positive steps here (their mailing list and the further chatter on the failed VOTE thread).

I'm reminded of John's which was a
great high-level insight across podlings. Are branding-audits something
that mentors could drive with their PPMC directly with shepherds/IPMC
bringing their concerns directly to the PPMC/metnors (to avoid licensing
becoming entangled with branding)? IPMC would obviously still have the
ability to escalate things in very heinous situations, but -1'ing
releases for website issues doesn't sit right with me presently (I'm
happy to be taught otherwise, too).

Yes, I would love to see mentors push their podlings forward, and perhaps
even maintain this going forward.

Cool. I'll have to put some more thought into this as I'll have a few other podlings under my belt which I should be paying as close attention to their branding as you did.

Thanks again for your attention, John.

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