John D. Ament wrote on 6/29/16 9:21 AM:
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 9:18 AM Justin Mclean <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> The presence of the word "incubator" in the URL is deliberate: it alerts
>> users
>>> that a podling is incubating.  I'd feel better about this proposal if
>> podlings
>>> weren't so successful about concealing their incubation status[1][2].
>>> -0, since the Incubator remains unserious about incubation disclaimers on
>>> websites.

I agree the IPMC as a whole needs to take ensuring that podlings are
properly branding their status seriously - in particular, to provide
better oversight, regular reminders to podling communities as needed,
and direct action (or raising to board@) if podlings don't pay
attention.  I also understand historically it's been hard to organize
getting this done.

I personally don't want to weigh in on the URL.  I can see the large
hassle it is for changing various references when graduation comes
around.  I like having it there as a reminder; but what's far more
important is if the overall appearance of the website clearly shows the
incubation status - rather than just the URL.

>> Perhaps a solution to this it's a require poddlings to be serous about
>> this when they make a release? i.e. vote -1 if the incubating disclaimer is
>> not clear on a poddling site.

Nice.  Any way there can be a simple check for people reviewing process
steps is helpful.  And yes, if the podling doesn't have an appropriate
website, then you should vote -1 on the release.  Podlings can wait the
couple of days it takes to fix their website.

> Hmmm not a bad idea.  I'd still like to see us re-double the effort on
> resolving branding issues on the websites.  Ultimately I'd like for mentors
> to own it, but that doesn't seem to happen due to mentor availability.

It's clear there's too wide a variability in mentor, ahem, attention
span to rely on mentors for all podlings.  Volunteers and ideas on how
to do this better appreciated.

I definitely like all the ideas focused on better explaining and better
defining what the specific policies are.  In particular, requiring the
incubator logo and a more prominent "under incubation" disclaimer are
things I very much welcome.

- Shane

> John
>> (And I would be willing to vote that way on releases if this vote passes)
>> Thanks,
>> Justin

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