
On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 3:28 PM, John D. Ament <johndam...@apache.org>

> All,
> Its been discussed a few times, and I'd like to provide clear feedback to
> the infra team on how to implement going forward.
> Typically, the addresses $podling.apache.org and $
> podling.incubator.apache.org work, and have worked for a while.
> This is a call to vote on whether the IPMC agrees to this or not.  If they
> do, I will ask infra to further clean this up, as DNS seems to be an issue
> at times for podlings.  The benefit is that for SEO, the website URL does
> not change.
> I'm going to leave this open for 72 hours, at least and hope for some
> binding votes on this subject.
> [+1] I want the two URLs to both work the same.
> [+/- 0] Don't care
> [-1] I want the $podling.incubator.apache.org URL to be the one that
> works,
> including emails.
> John

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