Completely understand where you're coming from, Henry, and thanks for keeping us honest.

I'll echo Joe's sentiment that I volunteered to mentor, not due to any affiliation or interest at my dayjob, but instead my social network connecting me with the project and a personal desire to help make this a success. My affiliation is purely something following me around.

At the risk of putting words into Ellison Anne's mouth: I think we would be happy to receive mentors from other affiliations. I feel pretty safe saying that 3 mentors from Hortonworks was completely circumstantial, but it is by no means meant to be interpreted as no other mentors are desired. If anyone else is interested in volunteering, that would be great.

Henry Saputra wrote:
HI Joe,

Thanks for your reply.

Technically, that is what ALL mentors suppose to do. Wear different hats
when representing as Apache member.

But we all know that is not how it happens in reality. Most people nowadays
get paid to do open source by day employer so like it or not some influence
of the employer will take effect.

I would encourage do bit more homework in terms finding mentors. Others new
podlings such as Eagle, CarbonData, and Kudu had done extra effort to find
mentors from different orgs.

Hope this helps.

- Henry

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 9:37 AM, Joe Witt<>  wrote:


I totally understand the spirit of your statement but I want to be
clear in speaking for my own involvement here.  I am participating in
this proposal and proposed podling as an apache member.  That I happen
to work for hortonworks has absolutely nothing to do with it and
frankly I wish it was not called out in this document.  The template
even calls this out as a controversial item.

I believe I am the only one on the initial committers list that is
affiliated with hortonworks for what it is worth.


On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 12:27 PM, Henry Saputra<>
One immediate concern is all mentors coming from Hortonworks.

I would strongly suggest to find more balance mentors.

I know we had this discussion about "fake" diversity stuff, but I
advise to do more effort to get mentors from different background than

- Henry

On Tuesday, June 7, 2016, Ellison Anne Williams<>

Hi All,

We would like to discuss the proposal of a new project to the incubator

Pirk is a framework for scalable Private Information Retrieval (PIR).

The proposal is contained below and can also be found on the wiki at

Looking forward to the discussion -


Ellison Anne


= Pirk Proposal =

== Abstract ==
Pirk is a framework for scalable Private Information Retrieval (PIR).

== Proposal ==

Pirk is a software framework for scalable Private Information Retrieval
is meant to provide a landing place for robust, scalable, and practical
implementations of PIR algorithms. The initial scalable PIR algorithms
Pirk were developed at the National Security Agency.

== Background ==

Private Information Retrieval (PIR) is an area of computer science and
mathematics that enables a user/entity to privately and securely obtain
information from a dataset, to which they have been granted access,
revealing, to the dataset owner or to an observer, any information
regarding the questions asked or the results obtained. Employing
homomorphic encryption techniques, PIR enables datasets to remain
in their native locations while giving the ability to query the datasets
with sensitive terms.

== Rationale ==

Although PIR has been in existence for over twenty years, it has largely
remained an academic discipline with very little robust or scalable
implementation. Pirk not only provides implementations of novel scalable
PIR algorithms, but it provides a framework into which robust, scalable,
and practical PIR may be developed.

Pirk fits well within the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) family as it
depends on numerous ASF projects and integrates with several others
such as
Hadoop and Spark. We also anticipate developing extensions/adaptors for
several other ASF projects such as Kafka, Storm, HBase, and Accumulo in
near future.

== Initial Goals ==

  * Ensure all dependencies are compliant with Apache License version 2.0
and that all code and documentation artifacts have the correct Apache
licensing markings and notice.

  * Establish a formal release process and schedule, allowing for
release cycles in a manner consistent with the Apache development
  * Establish a process which allows different release cycles for the
framework, extensions/adaptors, and additional algorithms.

  * Grow the community to establish diversity of background and
== Current Status ==

=== Meritocracy ===

We will actively seek help and encourage promotion of influence in the
project through meritocracy. We will discuss the requirements in an open
forum. We will encourage and monitor community participation so that
privileges can be extended to those that contribute.

=== Community ===

Pirk currently has a community of developers within the U.S.
government. In
open sourcing Pirk we plan to grow the community to a broader base of
industries and will work to align the interaction of our existing

=== Core Developers ===

The initial core developers are employed by the US Government. We will
to grow the community among a more diverse set of developers and

=== Alignment ===

Pirk was developed with an open source philosophy in mind and the Apache
way is consistent with the approach we have taken to date. Further, Pirk
depends on numerous ASF libraries and projects including Hadoop, Spark,
Commons, and Maven. We also anticipate extensions and dependencies with
several more ASF projects, including Accumulo, Avro, HBase, Storm,
and others. This existing alignment with Apache and the desired
makes the Apache Incubator a good fit for Pirk.

== Known Risks ==

=== Orphaned Products ===

Risk of orphaning is limited though it is important to grow the
The project user and developer base is growing and there is already
operational use of Pirk.

=== Inexperience with Open Source ===

The initial committers to Pirk have limited experience with true open
source software development. However, despite the project origins being
from closed source development we have modeled our behavior and
development on The Apache Way to the greatest extent possible. We are
committed to the ideals of open source software and will eagerly seek
mentors and sponsors who can help us quickly come up to speed.

=== Homogenous Developers ===

The initial committers of Pirk come from a limited set of entities
we are committed to recruiting and developing additional committers
from a
broad spectrum of industries and backgrounds.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===

We expect Pirk development to continue on salaried time and through
volunteer time. The majority of initial committers are paid by their
employers to contribute to this project. We are committed to developing
recruiting participation from developers both salaried and non-salaried.

=== Relationship with other Apache Projects ===

As described in the alignment section, Pirk is already heavily
dependent on
other ASF projects and we anticipate further dependence and integration
with new and emerging projects in the Apache family.

=== An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===

We respect the Apache brand and desire to adopt its community building
principles. Our desire is to build and foster an open source community
around scalable, robust PIR  which aligns with the Apache tenets.
Apache is a natural home for Pirk given our existing dependencies and
alignment with ASF projects.

=== Documentation ===

At this time there is no Pirk documentation on the web. However, we have
documentation included within the application that details usage. Using
incubator infrastructure we will be rapidly expanding the available
documentation to cover things like installation, developer guide,
frequently asked questions, best practices, and more.

== Initial Source ==

The core codebase is written in Java and includes detailed Javadocs and
feature documentation.

== Source and Intellectual Property Submission ==

The Pirk code and documentation materials will be submitted by the
Security Agency. Pirk has been developed by government employees.
developed by the government employees is in the public domain and no
copyright exists in works of the federal government. NSA has submitted
Corporate Contributor License Agreement to the Apache Software
the Software Grant Agreement is forth coming.

== External Dependencies ==

We believe all current dependencies are compatible with the ASF
Our dependency licenses come from the Apache v 2.0 and Eclipse Public
== Cryptography ==

Consistent with we believe
Pirk is
classified as ECCN 5D002. In the event that it becomes necessary we will
engage with appropriate Apache members to ensure we file any necessary
paperwork or clarified any cryptographic export license concerns.

== Required Resources ==

=== Mailing Lists ===


=== Source Control ===

Pirk requests use of Git for source control (git://
We request a writeable Git repo for Pirk with mirroring to be setup to
Github through INFRA.

=== Issue Tracking ===


=== Initial Committers ===

  * Tracy Brown<tbrownpirk at gmail dot com>, CLA submitted
  * Christopher Harris<Chris.Harris010 at gmail dot com>, CLA submitted
  * Walter Ray-Dulaney<raydulany at gmail dot com>, CLA submitted
  * Jacob Wilder<jacobwilder.opensource  at gmail dot com>, CLA
  * Ellison Anne Williams<eawilliamsPirk at gmail dot com>, CLA
  * Joe Witt (Hortonworks)<joewitt at apache dot org>, CLA confirmed

== Sponsors ==

=== Champion ===

  * Billie Rinaldi (Hortonworks)<billie at apache dot org>, IPMC Member

=== Nominated Mentors ===

  * Billie Rinaldi (Hortonworks)<billie at apache dot org>, IPMC Member
  * Joe Witt (Hortonworks)<joewitt at apache dot org>, IPMC Member
  * Josh Elser (Hortonworks)<elserj at apache dot org>, IPMC Member

=== Sponsoring Entity ===

We request the Apache Incubator to sponsor this project.

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