On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 1:54 PM, Todd Lipcon <t...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 6:18 PM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> > OK. In the case that we've incorporated code, we could switch to doing:
>> >
>> > """
>> > src/kudu/gutil/valgrind.h: Hybrid BSD (half BSD, half zlib)
>> > src/kudu/util (some portions): 3-clause BSD license
>> > src/kudu/util (HdrHistogram-related classes): public domain
>> > src/kudu/util/{random-util.cc},{random.h}: some portions adapted from
>> > WebRTC project (modules/video_coding/main/test/test_util.cc) under a
>> > 3-clause BSD license.
>> >
>> >  For full license text of the above licenses, please refer to the license
>> > headers at the top of the respective files.
>> > """
>> >
>> > ...and then make sure that those files contain the full text of the
>> > license
>> That covers all license requirements AFAICS.
>> > , instead of copy-pasting the text into LICENSE.txt.
>> I’d prefer the short form in the license point to the full text but that's
>> just my personal preference.
>> The Kudu PPMC are free to deal with it in this way of they want.
> Thanks again for the input. I started to do as you suggested and just refer
> to the headers, but then I realized a slight complication -- this makes
> life harder for binary distributors. Currently, a binary distribution can
> simply include the 'LICENSE.txt' file (eg in
> /usr/share/doc/kudu/LICENSE.txt or somesuch) and be sure that they comply
> with the 2nd clause of the BSD license. If instead we refer to the source,
> a binary distributor would have to do the work of copy-pasting these
> notices back up into the LICENSE.txt file or other documentation in order
> to comply.
> Given that you said the PPMC is free to choose either way, I'll propose to
> the other PPMC members that we stay with the status quo and continue
> copying these licenses into the top-level file, so that binary distributors
> dont have to go on a scavenger hunt.

+1, I agree with your reasoning.

I've been thinking that our recommendations in the Licensing How-To
ought to change in line with such principles: more straight-up copying
and less editing at the possible cost of verbosity and redundancy,
while still satisfying the constraint of only providing information
about bundled bits.

Marvin Humphrey

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