Hash: SHA256


No issues. I have now managed to compile it with no problems on Ubuntu
14.04. (Thanks for the reminder :) )




On 29/12/2015 08:02, Yuri Z wrote:
> Hi Ian Are there any more issues that hold you from voting on the
> Apache Wave release on general@apache?
> On Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 3:25 AM Ali Lown <a...@lown.me.uk> wrote:
>> Hi Ian,
>> I am not sure about the best way to import this into eclipse, I
>> have always used the CLI tools directly. I have CC'd the dev-list
>> in case they have a better answer for you.
>> The inability to find  ${build.classpath.path},
>> ${build.macros.path} suggests that you are
>> missing/failed-to-import/failed-to-reference the build.properties
>> file which contains the values for these macros.
>> The follow-up problem about missing define-gxpc is to be
>> expected because of the above problem resulting in it not
>> importing build-macros.xml, which defines "define-gxpc" amongst
>> other things.
>> Ali
>> On 6 November 2015 at 14:51, Ian Dunlop
>> <ian.dun...@manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'll give it at 0 the moment since I encountered a build issue. I 
> downloaded the src zip and imported the code into Eclipse Mars
> (4.50) with jdk 1.7.0_79 & ANT 1.9.4 but found the following
> issues:
> 1) BUILD FAILED C:\Users\idunlop\workspace\waveinabox\build.xml:28:
> Cannot find 
> C:\Users\idunlop\workspace\waveinabox\${build.classpath.path}
> imported from C:\Users\idunlop\workspace\waveinabox\build.xml
> Resolved by commenting out
> <import file="${build.classpath.path}"/>
> <!-- Import macros --> <import file="${build.macros.path}"/>
> and tried again
> 2)
> BUILD FAILED Target "define-gxpc" does not exist in the project
> "waveinabox". It is used from target "gen-gxp".
> Resolved by removing define-gxpc from
> <target name="gen-gxp" description="Generates GXP files" 
> depends="init, define-gxpc, gen-gxp-dep" unless="skip.gen-gxp"> 
> <gxpc srcdir="${src.dir}" srcpaths="${src.dir}" 
> destdir="${gen.dir}/gxp" target="org.waveprotocol.box.server.gxp"
> /> <touch file="${dep}/gen-gxp"/> </target>
> 3)
> BUILD FAILED C:\Users\idunlop\workspace\waveinabox\build.xml:120:
> Problem: failed to create task or type buildproto Cause: The name
> is undefined. Action: Check the spelling. Action: Check that any
> custom tasks/types have been declared. Action: Check that any
> <presetdef>/<macrodef> declarations have taken place.
> At that point I figured it best to report the issues here:
> Is there a procedure for building in eclipse, am I missing an ant 
> setting somewhere?
> So, apart fromn the compile issue everything else looks good:
> signatures are good artifact/hashes good DISCLAIMER OK LICENCE OK 
> Cheers,
> Ian
> On 04/11/2015 07:14, Justin Mclean wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> +1 binding.
>>>>> Could you please fix the LICENCE Appendix in the next
>>>>> release. The text should be "Copyright [yyyy] [name of
>>>>> copyright owner]” not "Copyright 2013 The Apache Software
>>>>> Foundation”.
>>>>> I checked: - artefact has incubating in name - signatures
>>>>> and hashes good - DISCLAIMER exists - LICENSE  has minor
>>>>> issue with the copyright in the appendix. Not required but
>>>>> it could also use the sort form in LICENSE [1] particularly
>>>>> as you bundle the software LICENSE files. - NOTICE good. -
>>>>> All source files have Apache headers - No unexpected binary
>>>>> file in source release (but see below) - can compile from
>>>>> source - test pass
>>>>> I notice there’s a couple of photographs in the source
>>>>> release, I assume you have permission from the person who
>>>>> took them to use these? IF so you may want to put that in
>>>>> the LICENSE.
>>>>> There's a number of binary file without extensions in 
>>>>> /thumbnail_patterns/ but they all look to be PNGs is this
>>>>> the case? Where did these images come from?
>>>>> I had a quick look at the binary release and the LICENCE
>>>>> and NOTICE appear comprehensive. I didn;t do a though
>>>>> check. I did notice that the year is incorrect in the
>>>>> NOTICE file and LICENSE appendix has the same issue.  It’s
>>>>> actually wrong here as non ASF Apache licensed software is
>>>>> mentioned. There no need to mean Apache licensed software
>>>>> in the LICENCE but no harm is done by donning so. [2]
>>>>> Thanks, Justin
>>>>> 1.
>>>>> http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#permissive-deps
2. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#alv2-dep
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- -- 
Ian Dunlop, eScience Lab
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester
Version: GnuPG v2


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