I'll repeat again, we want contributors who will work within the community. Nobody is turned away.
Sent from my Windows Phone ________________________________ From: Tim Williams<mailto:william...@gmail.com> Sent: 12/5/2015 8:15 PM To: general@incubator.apache.org<mailto:general@incubator.apache.org> Subject: Re: [PORPOSAL] Fineract On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Ross Gardler <ross.gard...@microsoft.com> wrote: > Nobody is turned away. Jedi mind tricks won't work on me Ross:) When someone says, "We are not seeking more." it is the same as being turned away. For the rest of it, I reckon we'll have to agree to disagree. The bottom line is, someone [Jim] who's eminently qualified to help mentor a new group of folks volunteered. It's fair to assume that he, I, and you understand that he understood what that role was when he volunteered. >Mentors don't do the work. Contributors do. Mentors do not make decisions. >Contributors so. Mentors have " binding votes" but that is just because of the >structure we have in the ASF, a good mentor will only ever use that vote to >enact the wishes of the community. I understand just as well as you how things work Ross. Please check yourself before going into condescending-lecture-mode, it's remarkably uncool and uninviting. As a dood, its really weird to be mansplained to! But, thanks Champ! > This is the opposite of "counter cultural". Which would be... cultural? Meaning, you're suggesting it's the norm to turn away ridiculously qualified volunteers for a particular role in a community? > Contributors are what matter not mentors. Seems another mind trick. While in incubation mentors are contributors - contributors to cultural understanding. They contribute to helping a podling bootstrap in our infrastructure and grok the Apache Way. To turn away a potential mentor is to turn away a contributor. Ignoring a mentor's impact/contributions to a community seems naive at best. Regardless of the semantics, on a practical level, a person like Jim shows up offering to help a new community understand how to develop community-driven software, I say *you take the help*. Period. Same for Greg, which you apparently agreed based on some arbitrary N<=3. Again, I wish you and Fineract the best... --tim --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org