
> anyway, I've read it again, in the context of what you've said here, and it
> seems like we should not have included the Apache licensed dependencies in
> the binary LICENSE file

Yep that’s correct.

> I didn't change the binary NOTICE files as I believe that their contents
> are just Apache licensed stuff that themselves have NOTICE so given [1]

Not quite correct as you have content that probably shouldn’t be here. I think 
some of that come down to if you have two ASF projects with boilerplate NOTICE 
files but different copyright years do you need to put anything in NOTICE? From 
what I’ve seen the answer is no, but someone more experienced with this may 
have a clearer idea. You do need need to add that copyright line if the 
software is not developed at the ASF.

So IMO there's no need to list Commons Configuration, Commons Logging, HPPC (no 
notice file), Http Components Client, the log4j is probably not needed (look at 
slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar notice file). [1][2]

The only Apache licensed software that I can see that would effect NOTICE are:

Apache Commons Codec (AL ASF):
contains test data from http://aspell.net/test/orig/batch0.tab.
Copyright (C) 2002 Kevin Atkinson (kev...@gnu.org)”

Apache Commons Lang (AL ASF):
This product includes software from the Spring Framework,
under the Apache License 2.0 (see: StringUtils.containsWhitespace())

Apache Groovy:
"This product includes software developed by
The Groovy community (http://groovy.codehaus.org/).”

Apache HttpCore (AL ASF):
"This project contains annotations derived from JCIP-ANNOTATIONS
Copyright (c) 2005 Brian Goetz and Tim Peierls. See http://www.jcip.net”

Apache Ivy (although the BSD portion should probably be in LICENSE).
"Portions of Ivy were originally developed by
Jayasoft SARL (http://www.jayasoft.fr/)
and are licensed to the Apache Software Foundation under the
"Software Grant License Agreement"

SSH and SFTP support is provided by the JCraft JSch package,
which is open source software, available under
the terms of a BSD style license.
The original software and related information is available
at http://www.jcraft.com/jsch/.”

And the copyright line from any software that is Apache licensed but not 
developed by the ASF. e.g. Netty. Other non ASF Apache software i.e. SnakeYAML, 
JavaTuples, Hawtjni, Jbcrypt and HPPC  all have missing or broken notice files 
so up to you. (Hawtjini is bundled in jline-2.12.jar BTW).

And finally Netty which has lots of issues. The Netty NOTICE file incorrectly 
includes BSD, MIT and Apache licensed bits and also lists out all dependancies 
not what is just bundled. [3] Really up to you on how you want to deal with 
that but from what I can see nothing should be included in NOTICE. It may be 
that some of these if they are bundled should actually go in LICENSE (for the 
permissive BSD and MIT licensed items). Any Apache software may also effect the 
NOTICE file but I’ve not checked them all. e.g It’s likely that Apache Harmony 
notice text would need to be added. [4]

Apache Harmony notice:
"Portions of Harmony were originally developed by
 Intel Corporation and are licensed to the Apache Software
 Foundation under the "Software Grant and Corporate Contribution
 License Agreement", informally known as the "Intel Harmony CLA”.” 

It doesn’t help or make it any easier when the jars you are including have 
incorrect or missing LICENSE and NOTICE files or the Apache licensed bundled 
bits are missing or have incorrect NOTICE files.


1. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#bundle-asf-product
2. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#mod-notice
3. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#guiding-principle
4. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#deps-of-deps

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