On Nov 13, 2015 4:50 PM, "Branko Čibej" <br...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 10.11.2015 16:00, Pierre Smits wrote:
> > That is nice! Apache pages drawn up by a member of the Apache Software
> > Foundation with the input from many  (both ASF members and others) and
> > hosted/communicated through ASF means, and then saying that those 'are
> > Foundation'. And that by/through the fingers of a fellow board
> >
> > That doesn't help mitigating the confusion building.
> The document is not a Foundation standard. ComDev is no closer to being
> "the ASF" than, say, Bloodhound PMC.
> Whilst I do find this attempt at a maturity model an interesting
> experiment, I'm really, really uncomfortable with people pushing it as
> some sort of golden standard for podlings (and, worse, TLPs). It's a
> completely informal paper, yet I've already seen people cast doubts on
> podling graduation with the excuse that some criterion of the model
> wasn't met.

That's because the document codifies what I consider criteria for
graduation, not because I somehow think that the document itself is holy.
Ie, the document reflects me, not vice versa.

> That kind of argument is totally out of line. The IPMC may decide to use
> the model as a metric for podling compliance and so integrate it into
> the Incubator policy[1]. Unless and until that happens, any attempt to
> measure podlings against that bit of paper (other than for purely
> recreational purposes) is rude at best.

No. I can use whatever criteria I like to justify my vote on a podlings
graduation, if it's in line with asf philosophy. This document is,  and
accurately reflects the criteria I use when voting on a graduation. That
is, the document reflects me, not vice versa, as I said above.

It's very akin to the docs that circulate around member election time. They
are useful guidelines but nobody is compelled to adhere to any particular
one of them.

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