Hi everyone,

Please verify and vote on the first release of Apache AsterixDB . This is
our first incubating release for this part of the codebase, so as was the
case with our Hyracks components, feedback is much appreciated. As was
noted in the result and discussion on dev@asterixdb.i.a.o, this will be a
source-only release due to some issues with how our binaries are assembled
in Maven at the moment.

The vote to release on the development list passed:

with result

Binding +1s:
Till Westmann
Murtadha Hubail
Taewoo Kim
Yingyi Bu
Mike Carey
Ate Douma

Non-binding +1s:
Heri Ramampiaro

And no 0 or -1 votes

The tag to be voted on is

commit : d2e1e89cfdf39e2b772dff2600913bb79644a380

The artifacts, md5s, and signatures are at:


MD5: 7330e6d6c2dd691ae3ab6a641e4d5344
SHA1: bf0b4a2ceaa26bcf1fcda33fee1ba227e31a88ba

The KEYS file containing the PGP keys used to sign the release can be found


RAT was executed as part of Maven via the RAT maven plugin, as well as
manually, but it
excludes the following paths:




These files either are either data for tests, procedurally generated,
or source files which come without a header mentioning their license,
but have an explicit reference in the LICENSE file.

The complete RAT report is available at:

The vote is open for 72 hours, or until the necessary number of votes
(3 +1) has been reached.

Please vote
[ ] +1 release this package as Apache AsterixDB 0.8.7-incubating
[ ] 0 No strong feeling either way
[ ] -1 do not release this package because ...

- Ian

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