On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Valentin Kulichenko <
valentin.kuliche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry for some late responses. It so happens that most of the community
> members are on european time zones.

Thanks so much for jumping in!

> > I recognize that the activity on the ML is diverse FINE !
> > Concerns have been raised about a off-list issue system, that seems to be
> > left open ?
> >
> As Dmitry has already responded, there is absolutely no separate Jira
> maintained for Ignite. Denis accidently sent his employer's Jira ticket
> status to the dev list. In fact he is so used to send the most of his
> emails to the dev list, that he sent this one to the dev list by accident
> as well.


As an interesting test of point of view, could you approach the project as
if a stranger?

Look at the mailing list.  Look at JIRA.  Try to understand what was
resolved from the evidence you see.  Look for evidence of how the design
for the solution was arrived at.

Take for instance IGNITE-1134.  This is a hang after some stimulating
event.  This sort of problem is often caused by subtle consistency issues
in distributed systems.  This JIRA was resolved 21 hours after it was filed
with no discussion or review as far as I can tell.  It was closed 20
seconds after resolution. How can an outsider be part of this process?

After take a look from that perspective, please tell us what you think
about whether design decisions are being made on the list. My view is that
they appear not to be, but you can probably say more from the inside of the

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