The Ripple project has voted on a release but we are short one IPMC vote. Can 
someone on the IPMC please review the release package and vote (see details 


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Barham [] 
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2015 11:53 PM
Subject: RE: [RESULT] [VOTE] Ripple release 0.9.30

Vote results are:

IPMC votes: 2
Ross Gardler
Christian Grobmeier

PPMC votes: 1
Tim Barham

Other votes: 1
Arzhan Kinzhalin



-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Grobmeier []
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2015 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Ripple release 0.9.30

Sorry for my delayed vote. I haven't seen a result yet, so I just checked the 

It looks find for me: +1

I have seen minor things which are not blocking: the NOTICE file contains 2012 
as year. Maybe update to 2012 - 2015 with the next release.
The sha file contains lower case numbers. But:

gpg --print-md SHA512

outputs uppercase letters. Not sure if there is a standard, but maybe we should 
include uppercase letters in the next sha file generation. Please note, I am 
not really into all that stuff, so this will work, but it saw it.

Other than that: great job guys. Sorry once again for my delayed response. Lets 
hope others are quicker than I am!


On Fri, Jun 5, 2015, at 20:41, Tim Barham wrote:
> Sorry for the delay getting this out, everyone. Travel + other 
> distractions + my Mac not being hooked up. Thanks to Arzhan for a 
> bunch of work figuring out OpenLayers licenses. Anyway... here it is...
> Please review and vote on the release of Ripple 0.9.30.
> The package you are voting on is available for review at 
> It was published from its corresponding git tag:
>       incubator-ripple: 0.9.30 (7830f1ac70)
> Since this will be an official Apache release of Ripple (another 
> attempt at our first official release!), we must be particularly 
> careful that it complies with all Apache guidelines for an incubator 
> release. As such, before voting +1, please refer to and verify 
> compliance with the checklist at 
> If anyone has concerns that we don't meet any of these requirements, 
> please don't hesitate to raise them here so we can discuss and make 
> changes if necessary.
> If you do give a +1 vote, please include what steps you took in order 
> to be confident in the release.
> Please also note from Ross's recent email:
> > What we need is three +1 "binding" votes, in reality that means 
> > three
> > IPMC members. Once a project graduates it means three project
> > management committee members. However, as a mentor (therefore having 
> > a
> > binding vote) I look to the project participants to indicate their
> > preference and (assuming no blocking issues on an IP check) I'll
> > always vote in support of the communities non- binding votes.
> So please, even though your vote may not be binding, take some time to 
> review the release and vote!
> Upon a successful vote, we will arrange for the archive to be uploaded 
> to dist/incubator/ and publish it to NPM.
> I vote +1:
> * I verified build works and tests all pass.
> * I verified license headers with Apache RAT (via 'jake rat').
> * I manually verified all third party licenses in node_modules.
> Thanks,
> Tim

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