Great - it's good that was the understanding on the lists anyway and notification of the action is a good idea as Bertrand notes; it's also highlighting the move (can't assume all the user list subscribers have groked that!). A read-only-ish list like commits is not an issue.


(This "it's on the web so I can use it"

On 27/03/15 06:25, Paul King wrote:

Only users from the previous list will be added and there was an
assumption that all code/patches sent to that list would be Apache
licensed by default. So, not quite the same thing but as long as we warn
people and tell them how to unsubscribe, I think auto subscribing them
would be OK?

Cheers, Paul.

On 27/03/2015 8:21 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:
Signing up to Apache list means the user is making an explicit act of
joining a place where code (or pointers to code) sent is granted to

Implicit subscription muddies the waters for contributions.


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