The main job of the Incubator is to evaluate and develop incoming
projects into eventually becoming TLPs (or to attic those that don't).

So far, this has been done by having them as podlings under the
supervision of the Incubator PMC.

In the case of pTLPs, candidate projects would be at a stage where
they would already are deemed mature enough to become TLPs (e.g. they
include at least 3 existing Members, or whatever the criteria becomes)
- but the evaluation of that being the case or not could still be see
within the merits of the Incubator project -  until the 'podling' has
become a pTLP itself - as there is no intermediate podling state.

In a way the incubator should be happy about this - pTLPs are podlings
that requires no podling time, only evaluation and bootstrapping. (I'm
undecided if that evaluation would require a [VOTE] or not).

It is true that the prospective pTLP could in theory propose itself
directly to the board - but the board would probably be happier with a
process where a pre-evaluated proposal come up through the incubator.

There is still many of the same practical issues - describing the
project and its community, IP clearance, discussions and guidance,
even growing the initial community (but not as mentors!). Whatever we
learn from evaluating pTLPs will also guide other podlings, e.g. we
can recognize and advise when a new proposal should aim for a pTLP or

On 23 March 2015 at 08:12, Bertrand Delacretaz <> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 8:27 PM, Alan D. Cabrera <> wrote:
>> ...The mailing lists derive their power from being focused on specific 
>> topics....
> I disagree, our mailing lists are focused on *communities*, not topics.
>> ...With that said, pTLP and direct-to-TLP issues have no business being on 
>> the
>> Incubator lists since they are not under the purvey of the Incubator....
> I also disagree ;-)
> The Incubator community, on which this list is focused, has experience
> handling the formation of podlings and their graduation. Creating a
> TLP without incubating shares a lot of steps and concerns which those
> operations, so discussing that here makes perfect sense.
> -Bertrand
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Stian Soiland-Reyes
Apache Taverna (incubating), Apache Commons RDF (incubating)

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