On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 6:40 AM, Alan D. Cabrera <l...@toolazydogs.com> wrote:

>> Does anyone mind if I rephrase the page to make it mandatory to use the
>> wiki for proposals?
> I’m sorry I was “out" the past few weeks.  What proposal attempted to post a
> proposal that was not on the wiki?  What problem did that cause?

I agree that we don't want to criminalize failure to adhere to procedural

> IMO, it doesn’t matter so long as the original vote to accept the proposal
> includes the entire proposal.

It would be inconvenient if people don't use the wiki or some other form where
the evolution of the proposal can be inspected using diffs.  Close reading of
proposal text is costly; serious flaws can hide in small crevices.  We don't
want those weighing a proposal to have to perform careful review a second time
for the VOTE thread.

However, until there's an actual problem with people not using the wiki, we
don't want to put ourselves in a position where we say "you MUST use the wiki"
and then ignore our own rules and accept a proposal anyway.

> We should always be thinking less rules, less process, less roles.


Rules which are byzantine and opaque are hard to follow and hard to enforce.
Cumbersome regulation favors the establishment, and we want to foster
innovation by newcomers.

Marvin Humphrey

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