+1. Checked the LICENSE, NOTICE, and DISCLAIMER files. Checked the
md5, sha, and asc signatures. Built and ran the tests on my mac.
Julian Hyde <mailto:jul...@hydromatic.net>
August 22, 2014 at 0:34
Hi all,
The Optiq community has voted on and approved a proposal to release
Apache Optiq 0.9.0 (incubating). This would be the first release of
the Apache Optiq project inside the Incubator.
Pursuant to the Releases section of the Incubation Policy and with the
endorsement of two of our mentors we would now like to request the
permission of the Incubator PMC to publish the release. The vote is
open for 72 hours, or until the necessary number of votes (3 +1) is
[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Optiq 0.9.0 incubating
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because …
Apache Optiq PPMC
Vote result:
5 binding +1 votes
5 non-binding +1 votes
No -1 votes
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