On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 12:42 PM, Richard Frovarp <rfrov...@apache.org> wrote:

> A lot of wind was taken out of the sails in the fights to get the IPMC votes
> necessary to finish a release. We had two votes, but needed to request
> several times for help getting that third vote. For those that did help us
> out, thank you. However, the whole process wasn't fun or easy. With most
> every other PMC, you're going to have enough interested parties to chip in
> and help get that release out, without asking for votes for well over a
> week.

The release process reforms adopted in December 2013 greatly mitigate
this problem. (All Droids releases pre-date the reforms.)


These days, I think we should have little sympathy for podlings who
choose to wait passively for IPMC votes rather than seize the

> That in my opinion killed releases, which helped kill development. That
> makes growing a community difficult. I RM'd the two releases, and I really
> don't feel like doing a 3rd.

That's unfortunate for Droids.

But whether a community can find a way to push through the release
process is some measure of whether it has enough energy to survive as
a TLP -- especially now that our reforms have empowered sufficiently
motivated podling communities to drive the process.

Marvin Humphrey

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