Thank you so much Craig and it feels good to work to gain your

Cheers and have a fantastic weekend.


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig L Russell <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Friday, February 7, 2014 2:28 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Graduation of Apache Spark from the Incubator

>I'm happy to see that my concerns about Spark are being actively
>addressed in a professional non-confrontational manner.
>The mismatch between committers and proposed PMC members has been
>resolved. I guess the only missing bit is updating the graduation
>The use of git for pull request and comments is being worked on and I
>have confidence in the leadership to pursue this to an agreeable solution.
>I've reviewed the private list and see that it is being used
>appropriately to discuss and vote new committers and PPMC members.
>So I'm changing my vote to +1 subject only to the update of the proposed
>PMC roster to include only committers.
>Congratulations to the Spark community.
>On Feb 6, 2014, at 10:01 PM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 7:05 PM, David Nalley <> wrote:
>>> The part that disturbs me is that after the vote passed in the
>>> community, and came to the IPMC a mentor is still having to remind
>>> folks that things like strategy and roadmap discussions need to happen
>>> on the mailing list. That's a pretty foundational concept in my mind
>>> for an Apache project.
>> Thanks for your thoughtful, constructive commentary, David.
>> The issue of GitHub integration is complex, unresolved, and as today's
>> demonstrates, controversial.  I considered voting -1 because I don't
>>want to
>> hand a hot potato to the Board.
>> However, as you note Spark comes highly recommended, and I am impressed
>> what I've seen on general@incubator, especially today and in the thread
>> dealing with binaries in their 0.8 release.  I believe that Spark is
>>likely to
>> play a highly constructive role in realizing the promise of integrating
>> "Community over Code" ASF with "Social Coding" GitHub.
>> +1 (binding) to graduate.
>> Marvin Humphrey
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>Craig L Russell
>Architect, Oracle
>408 276-5638
>P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!
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