On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 7:09 PM, Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com> wrote:
> ...Ant, you proposed a minimum of one IPMC vote for each release:
>     How about simply changing the rules for Incubator releases so that they
>     don't require at least three binding votes, but instead make it at least
>     three votes only one of which must be binding...

I would agree with that provided that we require other voters to
document what they have actually reviewed in the release, something

-PPMC members review their release and create a text file in the
incubator's svn repository, based on a template that indicates what
needs to be reviewed in a release

-At least one Incubator PMC member reviews the release, updates the
file accordingly, and their +1 vote along with the usual PPMC vote
validates the release

-For the first release we require at least three IPMC members to
participate, instead of just one.

This would provide good oversight, while helping educate the PPMC
members and keep a good record of the release requirements that other
podlings can use as examples. And make sure people's +1s are based on
something tangible and documented.


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