On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 8:53 AM, Andy Van Den Heuvel
<andy.vandenheu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jenkins is used to build software projects. It's a continuous integration
> server.
> Tashlin will be more generic, used to build any set of tasks. Also business
> processes are possible.
> Example: Let's say I want a job to do a HTTP GET call every 5 minutes and
> show the results.
> In Jenkins, I'll probably create a free-style project, but it asks me for a
> SCM which makes no sense for this scenario.
> I think a lot of people today hack around the fact that Jenkins is a
> continuous integration server, because it is easy to use and to setup
> scheduling tasks.
Hi Andy,

It's more something like Control-M right [1] you're looking to build ?

Not wanting to curb your enthousiasm in any way, but would it not be
easier to piggyback the huge amount of framework code Jenkins already
has in place and just extend it with a new project type + a plugin ?
You'll be getting a lot of things for free that are tricky to get
right (think slave and remoting), not to mention the platform's
popularity and community.

Kind Regards,
Jorg Heymans


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