Hello all,

after getting valuable comments about our release candidate 3 for S4 0.6.0, 
we'd like to cut a new release candidate.

However, we are still not sure about how to address the comments we received, 
and we cannot work on a new release candidate without understanding the proper 
actions to take.

We are also a bit short on active mentors in the S4 podling, that's why I'm 
asking to the broader community.

We have 2 key questions, which I reproduce below:

1/ about the content of LICENSE and NOTICE, is the following correct? 

- in the LICENSE file of the binary distribution, in addition to references to 
non-ASL included dependencies (already there), we need to reference all 
included dependencies that use ASL2, with the following statement:  "The Apache 
License, Version 2.0 applies to the following libraries: A, B, C"
- in the NOTICE file of the binary distribution, we add notices that dependency 
libraries explicitly ask for. That is already done and no change is required. 

2/  about the inclusion of the gradle wrapper jar + script in the source 

We currently use gradle for building the project. Gradle provides a basic 
wrapper script so that the project can be built without installing gradle 
beforehand. That is why we include the script + wrapper lib.  
http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#build-tools says that specific 
[build] tools have been OK'ed for inclusion in Apache distribution when used 
for that specific purpose [of building].

Should we exclude the gradle wrapper from our distribution?  

Thanks for bringing us lights here, if possible!


On Mar 28, 2013, at 18:15 , Matthieu Morel wrote:

> Thanks for your comments,
> Inline, I provide some explanations and ask for guidance on some topics.
> On Mar 27, 2013, at 22:59 , sebb wrote:
>> On 27 March 2013 20:57, Matthieu Morel <mmo...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the feedback,
>>> I replied inline.
>>> On Mar 27, 2013, at 21:00 , sebb wrote:
>>>> On 27 March 2013 19:07, Matthieu Morel <mmo...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> this is a call for a vote to release Apache S4 0.6.0 incubating.
>>>>> A vote was held on developer mailing list and it passed for RC3 with 
>>>>> 6+1's with 5 of them binding:
>>>>> +1 IPMC (phunt)
>>>>> +1PPMC (mmorel, kishoreg, leoneu, fpj)
>>>>> +1 committer non PPMC (dferro)
>>>>> Here is the vote thread on s4-dev: 
>>>>> http://markmail.org/thread/n5totrx7jkh2nvzu
>>>>> This release fixes the following issues:
>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12312322&version=12321702
>>>>> Note that we are voting upon the source (tag), binaries are provided for 
>>>>> convenience.
>>>>> Source and binary packages in zip format:
>>>>> http://people.apache.org/~mmorel/s4-0.6.0-incubating-release-candidate-3/
>>>>> The (git) tag to be voted upon: 0.6.0-RC3:
>>>>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=incubator-s4.git;a=tag;h=9b178170d76333579a9c56564dd060ccd173f115
>>>> NOTICE says:
>>>> Apache S4
>>>> Copyright 2012 The Apache Software Foundation
>>>> Have there been no substantive changes this year?
>>> I think you are reading from the master branch in the git repository. In 
>>> our development process (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/S4-35) the 
>>> master branch holds the released code, while the dev branch holds the code 
>>> accepted for inclusion and that will be part of the next release. So we cut 
>>> the release candidate from dev branch. The year in the NOTICE file is 2013.
>> I followed the git link above that you provided, then clicked on tree.
>> I don't know otherwise how to review the source tag.
> The tag 0.6.0-RC3 points to commit 96938d5afe060f8213f66b3269e6c846cfc045e3
> If you use the web interface of the apache git site, in order to reach that 
> commit from the provided link, you may either click on the commit id, on the 
> tag, or on the "commit" link.
>>>> gradlew and gradlew.bat don't have AL headers; nor does s4.
>>> The s4 file does have headers in the release artifacts.
>> These also need to be added to the GIT copies; and the GIT tag must
>> agree with the source files in the archive(s).
> By checking out from the git tag for the release and building the 
> distribution ("gradlew srcDist"), we get the same content than the release 
> candidate. In this case and for that file, isn't what we distribute properly 
> licensed and matching the git tag?
> But we can certainly add the licensing to the s4 file itself.
>>> gradle/gradlew scripts to not have the ASL header because this is generated 
>>> code.
>>> According to the RAT tool, generated code does not need to bear the license 
>>> header.
>> The RAT tool is just a tool, it does not make the rules.
>>> This issue was identified and discussed during the voting process on s4-dev 
>>> mailing lis. For this release, it was considered valid to leave those 
>>> generated files not annotated by one of our mentors.
>> That may not have been the correct decision.
> As you commented to Patrick, there is doubt, so indeed better to add the 
> header.
>>>> I did not bother to check the rest of the tree, but I assume there are
>>>> other files which are missing their AL headers.
>>>> The file
>>>> config/binrelease/LICENSE
>>>> includes various sentences like:
>>>> "This product uses kryo and minlog, which use the following license:"
>>>> I think that is wrong; the LICENSE and NOTICE files should ONLY
>>>> include references to works that are *included* in the enclosing
>>>> archive.
>>>> If the binary product does not include the 3rd party products, then
>>>> remove the LICENSE reference entirely.
>>>> If it does *include* a 3rd party product, then change the LICENSE to
>>>> say so, and check whether the 3rd party license requires attribution.
>>> In the binary release, we do include 3rd party products and the NOTICE and 
>>> LICENSE files are updated accordingly, during the build process. You may 
>>> check the binary release artifact.
>> In that case, the wording is wrong; it should say "includes", not "uses".
> OK.
>> I've now had a look at the binary lib/ directory, and there are a lot
>> of 3rd party (non-ASF) jars there that don't appear to be mentioned in
>> the LICENSE file.
>> Even if they use AL 2.0, they need to be mentioned, but of course the
>> AL 2.0 text does not need to be repeated.
> OK, so let me recap in order to make sure what we need:
> - in the LICENSE file of the binary distribution, in addition to references 
> to non-ASL included dependencies (already there), we need to reference all 
> included dependencies that use ASL2, with the following statement:  "The 
> Apache License, Version 2.0 applies to the following libraries: A, B, C"
> - in the NOTICE file of the binary distribution, we add notices that 
> dependency libraries explicitely ask for. That is already done and no change 
> is required. 
> Can you confirm?
>> It's helpful to include the version of the jar that is being included,
>> because it can change between versions.
>> The binary archive does not include gradlew.bat - is that intentional?
> Kind of, we don't test on windows.
>>> In the source release, we do not include those products and the NOTICE and 
>>> LICENSE files take that into account.
>> That's good.
>> But not so good are the names; one is LICENSE and the other is NOTICE.txt.
>> The should both have a .txt extension or neither.
> OK, I didn't know that was a rule.
>> Also the source archive contains the 3rd party library
>> lib/gradle-wrapper-1.4.jar
>> This is not mentioned in the LICENSE file (nor NOTICE.txt, but that
>> may not be required).
>> It seems strange to have a jar in a source library.
>> Maybe that is a mistake, but if it is supposed to be there it needs to
>> be reflected in the N&L files
> We currently use gradle for building the project. Gradle provides a basic 
> wrapper script so that the project can be built without installing gradle 
> beforehand. That is why we include the script + wrapper lib.  
> http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#build-tools says that specific 
> [build] tools have been OK'ed for inclusion in Apache distribution when used 
> for that specific purpose [of building].
> Should we exclude the gradle wrapper from our distribution?  
>> .
>> RELEASE_NOTES.html does not have an AL header (nor is it valid HTML).
>> Various s4-benchmarks/config/ files don't have AL headers.
> That was intentional, so we might just remove them.
>> The logback.xml files don't have AL headers.
> OK
>>>>> S4 KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:
>>>>> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/s4/dist/KEYS
>>>> The key entries don't have any human-readable headings, as required by
>>>> the comments.
>>>> For example:
>>>> (gpg --list-sigs <your name>
>>>>       && gpg --armor --export <your name>) >>
>>>>       this file.
>>>> The --list-sigs command creates a readable header.
>>> I followed the instructions for signing apache releases 
>>> http://www.apache.org/dev/release-signing.html and didn't see requirement 
>>> for human readable headings in the KEYS file. (and didn't understand the 
>>> comments were mandating that)
>>> If this is a requirement for the release, I suppose I can update the KEYS 
>>> file in the subversion repository with the proper headers?
>> Probably not a requirement for a release, but the KEYS file is tricky
>> to read as it stands.
>> I cannot easily tell if your signing key is in there, for example.
>> If you follow the sample commands in the header it will create the
>> header followed by the key.
>> It should look something like
>> http://www.apache.org/dist/abdera/KEYS
>> or
>> http://www.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/KEYS
>> Or indeed
>> http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/ambari/KEYS
>> or
>> http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/wink/KEYS
> I updated the KEYS file following your recommendation.
>>>>> We include a RAT check task. It requires to get
>>>>> - the .rat-excludes from the repository 
>>>>> (https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=incubator-s4.git;a=blob;f=.rat-excludes;h=fda230011164a53bd3089f9086c884918e0ea292;hb=refs/heads/dev)
>>>> Why are the following excluded?
>>>> logback.xml
>>>> s4-checkstyle.xml
>>>> s4-eclipse-format.xml
>>>> XML supports header comments.
>>> There is no reason. Those files are for setting up the development 
>>> environment and configuring the log output. Other xml files in the release 
>>> do bear the ASL header.  Is that blocking the release?
>> If I were RM I would re-roll the release to fix that.
>>> I hope these explanations bring clarification.
>>> Regards,
>>> Matthieu
>>>>> - the rat jar from the repository
>>>>> It can be run with :
>>>>> ./gradlew rat > output
>>>>> Please cast your vote, thanks!
>>>>> Vote will be open for 72 hours
>>>>> [ ] +1 approve
>>>>> [ ] +0 no opinion
>>>>> [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)
>>>>> Matthieu
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