On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name> wrote:

>> +                        <li>GitHub</li>
>> +                        <li>SourceForge.net</li>
>> +                        <li>Google Code</li>
>> +                        <li>Ohloh</li>
>> +                        <li><a href="http://tsdr.uspto.gov";>USPTO</a></li>
>> +                        <li>Google, Bing, Yahoo</li>
>> +                        <li><a
>> href="http://www.trademarkia.com";>Trademarkia</a></li>
> Errr.  Isn't this list of resources already available on another page?
> If so please just point to it, rather than duplicate it.  (There should
> be exactly one canonical location for such info.)

I didn't find one, thats why I took the time and worked on this docs.
I extracted the information from the old Jira issues.

> And BTW infra experience tells me info about execuding the PNS
> process (PODLINGNAMESEARCH) should live on www.a.o/foundation/marks/,
> but that might be an issue for another patch.

Its PODLING name search. Because of this name I was looking in the
incubator docs first.
As long as it is not named "NAMESEARCH" only I think it belongs to the

>> +                    Note all results in the according JIRA issues.
>> When done, inform trademarks @ apache.org that you have finished your
>> research. Please wait, until the trademarks team has interpreted your
>> findings and theV.P. Branding approves your request. Trademark
> It's important that the jira records only facts and not interpretations
> of them.  That's one of the reasons you should avoid re-describing the
> process, and should instead just link to wherever it's already
> documented at.

Which is where?
I did this work because I cannot find the docs, not just because i
have fun doing it.

You could also provide a better wording if you are not happy with what I did.

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