[ NOTE, crossposted public/private lists ]

Christian Grobmeier wrote on Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 09:43:46 +0100:
> Hello,
> I would like to commit that. Any objections? (spelling corrections
> welcome, right now or after the commit)
> cheers
> $ svn diff
> Index: content/guides/graduation.xml
> ===================================================================
> --- content/guides/graduation.xml (revision 1457669)
> +++ content/guides/graduation.xml (working copy)
> @@ -285,6 +285,33 @@
>                    and some common-sense hints for
>                    <a
> href="http://apache.org/dev/project-names.html";>Choosing names for ASF
> projects</a>.
>                  </p>
> +                <p>
> +                    Before a podling can graduate, a "podling
> suitable names search" must be done. For this, please open
> +                    a JIRA request in the <a
> href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PODLINGNAMESEARCH";>Podling
> Suitable Names Searc JIRA space</a>. They should look like:


> +
> +                    <ul>
> +                        <li><a
> href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PODLINGNAMESEARCH-26";>Apache
> Open Climate Workbench</a></li>
> +                        <li><a
> href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PODLINGNAMESEARCH-27";>Apache
> Onami</a></li>
> +                    </ul>
> +                </p>
> +                <p>
> +                    Please consider to research at least the following 
> sources:
> +                    <ul>
> +                        <li>GitHub</li>
> +                        <li>SourceForge.net</li>
> +                        <li>Google Code</li>
> +                        <li>Ohloh</li>
> +                        <li><a href="http://tsdr.uspto.gov";>USPTO</a></li>
> +                        <li>Google, Bing, Yahoo</li>
> +                        <li><a
> href="http://www.trademarkia.com";>Trademarkia</a></li>

Errr.  Isn't this list of resources already available on another page?
If so please just point to it, rather than duplicate it.  (There should
be exactly one canonical location for such info.)

And BTW infra experience tells me info about execuding the PNS
process (PODLINGNAMESEARCH) should live on www.a.o/foundation/marks/, 
but that might be an issue for another patch.

> +                    </ul>
> +                </p>
> +                <p>
> +                    Note all results in the according JIRA issues.
> When done, inform trademarks @ apache.org that you have finished your
> research. Please wait, until the trademarks team has interpreted your
> findings and theV.P. Branding approves your request. Trademark

It's important that the jira records only facts and not interpretations
of them.  That's one of the reasons you should avoid re-describing the
process, and should instead just link to wherever it's already
documented at.

Also, missing space.  Next time consider running a spellchecker.

> acceptance is not decided by lazy consens.


> +                </p>
> +                <p>
> +                    Onces the name is approved, you can resolve the


> JIRA issue and update your status page.
> +                </p>
>              </section>
>              <section id='releases'>

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