On Nov 29, 2012, at 1:14 AM, Ross Gardler wrote: > On 29 November 2012 08:56, Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org>wrote: > >> On Wednesday, November 28, 2012, Greg Reddin wrote: >>> ...What difference does it make to >>> the ASF if a project is very small or very slow?... >> >> IMO, as long as there's three or more active PMC members who react when >> needed, and provide the quarterly board reports, a small/slow project is >> fine and there's no need to move it to the attic. >> > > +1 - oversight is what matters. If the PMC is happy to continue as is then > all is good. As previously stated my concern is whether the PMC is > operating in a way in which the building and maintenance of a diverse > community is possible. For example, when a new patch turns up are they > reviewing and applying it and are they bringing in the new community member. > > Note that in this months reports the board were asked, by a TLP, for > feedback on the "dormant" state they found themselves in, the PMC was > reactive when necessary but not proactively developing the code or the > community. The boards feedback was in line with Bertrands comment above - > the PMC is providing sufficient oversight so no problem. In another case > this month a TLP indicated one of their sub-projects was dormant to the > extent that patches were not being reviewed. The board asked if there was a > plan and the PMC responded with unity that it will be addressed. So no > problem, the PMC is aware of the issue and is addressing it. > > Drawing this to its natural conclusion a podling should be graduated once > it demonstrates an ability to operate as an Apache project without the need > for binding IPMC votes on releases etc. A podling should be retired if > there is insufficient interest from both the PPMC and the IPMC to move it > towards this state (which brings me back to my original 3 stages of > decision making about podling retirement).
Would you also add the three or more active PMC members requirement? What constitutes active? Regards, Alan --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org