(Note the various distribution lists of this mail)

This is still a proposal to the Incubator, correct? From strictly a trademarks@ point of view, the name needs final vetting before graduation. As long as they're not causing an obvious problem with some other related software product currently, it's really up to the community to decide on the name (or changes thereto).

Trademarks are fundamentally about consumers - not about the project leaders or committers. The point of trademarks is that an informed consumer can be assured of the source of some specific goods that they're obtaining - in our case, they can be assured that when they download something being called Apache Steve, that they're actually getting our Apache Steve software, and not someone else's software.

This is important to understand because trademarks are generally only applicable within a specific class of goods, as well as for a specific kind of good. The examples below are all in class 9, computer products (mainly software). So the question is: would a reasonably intelligent end user who might want to find and download a software product be confused between which kind of Mayhem they're getting? 8-) That takes a little judgement, and a slightly more detailed description of what each product does.


If the project community wants to keep "Mayhem" as the name, they need to be aware that common word names have limitations on how much protection we can give them. However in our case - as a public charity that uses open communities to build projects - if the community is fine with allowing other Mayhems out there, and is willing to not infringe on any of the other pre-existing software products, they can keep the name. They'll just need to be comfortable with co-existing with lots of mayhem out there. 8-)

- Shane

OK, now I want to find a way to use the maximum number of Apache project names in some crazy short story...

On 11/6/2012 9:23 AM, Christian Grobmeier wrote:
Putting trademarks into the loop.

Trademark people, any comments to Simones mail? I am not sure if a
commonly used word like "Mayhem" can be a matter of an trademark

Thanks in advance,

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Simone Tripodi <simonetrip...@apache.org> wrote:
Good morning President :)

Gianugo pointed me to the homepage of Make Mayem[1] and I found a
trademarked software[2] which is called Mayhem as well.
Trademarkia shows that more than 10 pages of results of products are
registered with the name "Mayhem", which I suspect is a daily used
word in English language, especially in the US.

Giving an overview:

  * _Make Mayhem_ is an application that lets you connect trigger
events to reactions. Unlike writing a program, you simply select an
event and a reaction, and then turn on the connection. Voila! No code
or app required.

  * _Mayhem_ is a computer software for use in the encryption and
decryption of digital files, including audio, video, text, binary,
still images, graphics and multimedia files

  * _Apache Mayhem_ aims to create a community focused on the
development and maintenance of a set of Google Guice extensions

My question - IANAL and don't aim to be :P - is: where the legal
issues comes out? We don't aim to "invade" someone else's domain...
If the Mayhem is a trademark by Grey Heron Technologies, LLC for a
software, aren't Outercurve's guys violating a TM?

Sorry if asking silly questions, many thanks in advance!

[1] http://www.makemayhem.com/
[2] http://www.trademarkia.com/mayhem-85483903.html
[3] http://www.trademarkia.com/trademarks-search.aspx?tn=Mayhem


On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
Different topic: Is there a potential naming/trademark
issue related to a pre-existing project?



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