On 06/11/2012 12:58, Simone Tripodi wrote:
Hi Eric!

I tend to think that 'Less is more', that 'git is now a defacto
standard', and that releasing all Mayhem components at the same time,
with the same version number (even if there is no change for some of
them) is easier for the user.

it would be nice if they'd share a common core or if components were
somehow related each other, but we don't intend to fork Google Guice
and unfortunately each existing component is totally unrelated to the
other :(

Yes, the 11 components are unrelated, but I just find the release process such a pain that I fear to go to independent lifecycle.

I can imagine many projects where all the modules/components are released even if some of them are not modified (they are just released as such).

The common thing between all those components is that they ease guice usage. They are different artifacts so one has the choice to only import the artifacts he needs.

Thx, Eric

I asked Infra some suggestions, let see if they have more ideas!

Have a nice day, all the best!


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