
Thanks for the report, DeviceMap!

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Apache Wiki <wikidi...@apache.org> wrote:
> No new committers or PPMC members, and very low activity so far, but
> the OpenDDR code that was mentioned in the incubation proposal has just
> been donated, which should help motivate people to become more active.

OK, let's keep an eye on the situation. Hopefully the newly arrived
code and perhaps a release based on that can bring in more activity.

> The donation included a data file with had been subject to a DMCA takedown
> request while hosted at Github. After some discussion we decided to exclude
> that file from the donation, as the ownership of part of that data is hard to
> establish. Details at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DMAP-11 which
> also links to threads on general@incubator.a.o.

I'm not sure if this was brought up yet (or already implemented), but
would it make sense for DeviceMap to treat this data file as an
optional third party dependency, i.e. be able to use the contained
information when this file is made available by the user or deployer?


Jukka Zitting

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