On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 7:21 PM, Jukka Zitting <jukka.zitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the reviews, Benson! I added you as a signer-off on these reports.
> As reported and discussed, Kafka remains ready to graduate and will
> hopefully complete that transition shortly.
> On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Benson Margulies <bimargul...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> ODFToolkit, on the other hand, seems to have a metadata problem. It
>> shows no total committers and one new committer. Does anyone
>> understand that? Otherwise, all their boxes are green.
> Any thoughts on this from mentors or committers of the project?

Well, here is our status page:


It lists both committers and mentors, including new committers.   It
needs an update, since we just voted in a new committer/PPMC member
last week, but I don't see what a problem here.

Where are you seeing "no total committers" ???

> How should we categorize the status of ODF Toolkit? In June we
> classified the podling under low activty due to the low commit counts.
> That figure and those of list activity look a bit better now, though
> it's hard to tell how much of that is just temporary improvement from
> the GSoC work.

GSoC did not bring any lasting contributors.  But we've had a step up
in recent activity from other contributors, not related to the GSoC
work. So I think that part is looking good, and we're successfully
overcoming the loss of one of the main contributors earlier in the
year, the source of our low activity rate at the time.

As we say in the report, if we can bring a couple more committers on
board, and get out a 2nd release, we think we'll be ready to graduate.

> Like in June, there were no mentor sign-offs on the ODF Toolkit report
> and I see little mentor activity on odf-dev@. Do we need more/new
> mentors for the project?

An additional pair of eyes on the podling is always welcome.



> BR,
> Jukka Zitting
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