Hello, As a part of JSPWiki's July 2012 incubator report [#1], it was noted that JSPWiki (incubating) should not ship external jars alongside with code. This has been achieved in current trunk. However, as part of AOO community graduation vote thread [#2] it was noted that:
" If you try to build from source the build system will download packages from svn.apache.org instead of from elsewhere or the mirrors. That violates infra policy." Which is exactly what is happening to us: we download jars from Central as much as possible but, as there are a few of them ([#3], [#4]) which are not published in Central, we download them from svn.apache.org. These jar are all AL compatible so, the questions are: - where can we place them in order to not violate infra policy? - could this be a -1 towards voting a release? how to proceed? thx & regards, juan pablo [#1] http://s.apache.org/zsq [#2] http://s.apache.org/8Gk [#3] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/jspwiki/libs/lib/ [#4] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/jspwiki/libs/tests/lib/