On 24 May 2012 06:15, Benson Margulies <bimargul...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've met other groups of people who like a JIRA centric view
> of the world. I suspect that if they did a bunch of other good things
> called out below, you or others would find the JIRA business
> digestible. Also, on the other hand, I fear that the co-employed
> contributors are collaborating in the hallway, and the lack of the
> context in JIRA or on the list is contributing to the problem.
I'm not convinced that JIRA helps communities. It's great in companies -IDE
integration, you can bounce issues to others, it pings your phone so often
you can use it as a network liveness test. It also lets you persist
discussions in a way that can be searched. In a busy project, it helps you
keep track of your workload, and can assist in sprint planning if you fill
in the est/actual workload fields.

 -it encourages people to watch the issues they care about, and ignore the
 -it pushes you towards discussion-on-jira rather than in the mailing list
 -those discussions tend to be focused, rather than generic community
chitchat about dev issues.

When you compare it to the community of the pure-email list groups, or the
"socialness" of github, JIRA seems to me that it pushes you towards
antisocialism, to sit in your office and care only about the 8 JIRAs you
have marked as in progress.

Given the ubiquity and value of JIRA, what can be done here?

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