Hey Jukka,

In your series of reviews, Bloodhound never showed up. Shall I presume that
means we're fine by your measures?

 On May 2, 2012 12:48 PM, "Jukka Zitting" <jukka.zitt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> To a large extent the Incubator relies on the efforts of our mentors
> to help podling communities learn the Apache Way and the various ASF
> policies and practices. Usually this works pretty well, but every know
> and then we see podlings that are left struggling with little or no
> mentor help. An unfortunately we don't have very good mechanisms in
> place for detecting and dealing with such situations.
> I'd like to start fixing that by first figuring out the extent of the
> problem and identifying at least the podlings worst affected by such
> "mentor deficit". To do so I started going through the mentors listed
> for each podling reporting this month (except ones still in their
> first quarter) and tried to spot any community interactions from the
> mentors over the past three months on either the public or private
> project mailing lists. I classified a mentor as "active" if at least
> one such interaction (including a report sign-off) was spotted, and
> "inactive" otherwise. IMHO someone who doesn't show up with any
> feedback or other help, not even a +1 to a draft report, over an
> entire quarter isn't living up to the expectations we generally set on
> project mentors.
> If your name shows up as an "inactive" mentor below, that may be a) a
> mistake on my part, b) temporary absence for whatever reason, c) a
> call to action, or d) a reason to consider resigning from mentoring
> that particular podling. In case of d), such resignation should not be
> considered a failure (we're all volunteers here), but rather a
> valuable signal to the rest of the IPMC that new mentors may be needed
> for that podling.
> With that background, here are my results for the first batch of six
> podlings (more to come over the next few days):
>  Airavata
>  - active: Alek Slominski, Ate Douma, Chris Mattmann, Ross Gardler
>  - inactive: Paul Fremantle, Sanjiva Weerawarana
>  Ambari
>  - active: Owen O'Malley
>  - inactive: Arun C. Murthy, Chris Douglas
>  Amber
>  - active, not in status file: Raymond Feng
>  - inactive: Brian McCallister, David Jencks, Gianugo Rabellino,
> Jean-Frederic Clere
>  - listed in projects.xml: Henning Schmiedehausen
>  Clerezza
>  - active: Ross Gardler
>  - inactive: Karl Pauls, Reinhard Poetz
>  - listed in projects.xml: Gianugo Rabellino
>  DeltaSpike
>  - active: David Blevins, Gerhard Petracek, Jim Jagielski, Mark
> Struberg, Matt Benson, Matthias Wessendorf
>  Droids
>  - active: Richard Frovarp, Thorsten Scherler
>  - inactive: Paul Fremantle
> Note that for Amber and Clerezza the the projects.xml file lists a
> different set of mentors than than the status page. I assume that the
> status page is more up to date in such cases. We discussed this
> mismatch a bit in another thread some while ago, but it looks like we
> need to bring that up again.
> Also, Amber seems to have invited Raymond Feng as a new mentor, but
> the status page hasn't yet been updated to reflect this. Raymond, if
> you're reading this, as a mentor you should join the IPMC to have a
> binding vote on matters related to the podling. As an ASF member you
> can simply let me know that you want to join the IPMC and I'll take
> care of the rest.
> BR,
> Jukka Zitting
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