
On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 4:09 PM, ant elder <ant.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not a huge fan of the current emphasis being placed on reports.
> Another avenue for finding inactive mentors could be things like
> looking at mentor participation in poddling releases. Is it better or
> worse to have mentors who don't sign their poddling wiki reports or
> don't review their releases? Even with release reviews we have some
> mentors who say they don't do release reviews, bizarre as that sounds
> i guess people have different perspectives.

Good point. There's definitely room for different approaches to
mentoring, and they can often supplement each other quite nicely.

> Mentors have different styles, some are quite hands on some aren't,
> and ideally a poddling, especially nearing graduation, should be
> largely self supporting so having no mentor interaction is not
> necessarily a problem and it may even be a positive sign.


My focus on community interactions on the mailing list and report
sign-offs here is just a rough proxy for mentor activity. As you
demonstrate, it's by no means infallible and I definitely don't want
to cast those aspects as some kind of a "one true approach" to

> Another approach you could try if you want to find inactive mentors
> could be to just send an email to general@ with the list of all the
> poddling mentors and ask are you still active and see who answers.

Yep. I actually considered doing just that, but figured that using
available data to preprocess the message should help us focus on those
cases that really do need to be looked after. I guess a few false
positives are inevitable with this approach, but that's fine as long
as we're just gathering information and have a mechanism for
correcting such mistakes.

Anyway, let's see how this works out and tweak the approach based on experience.


Jukka Zitting

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