Looks to be an interesting project!.
I'd like to help so I have added myself as a mentor.
2012/4/3 Kevin Kluge <kevin.kl...@citrix.com>:
> Hi All,
> We would like to propose CloudStack to be an Apache Incubator project.
> CloudStack provides control plane software that can be used to create an IaaS 
> cloud. It includes an HTTP-based API for user and administrator functions and 
> a web UI for user and administrator access. Administrators can provision 
> physical infrastructure (e.g., servers, network elements, storage) into an 
> instance of CloudStack, while end users can use the CloudStack self-service 
> API and UI for the provisioning and management of virtual machines, virtual 
> disks, and virtual networks.   Additional information is available at 
> http://cloudstack.org/ and http://docs.cloudstack.org/.
> The draft proposal document is available at 
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/CloudStackProposal.   There are a few 
> incomplete sections in the proposal.  We have left "XXX" marks by those as 
> reminders, and we'll complete those sections in the next few days as the 
> proposal evolves.
> We're excited about the opportunity to work with ASF and the community to 
> create an Incubator project for cloud orchestration.  We'll welcome all 
> feedback on the proposal.  Thanks.
> -kevin
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Olivier Lamy
Talend: http://coders.talend.com
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